Free: The Seducer

Finn thinks Athena cursed him. The large, annoyingly flirtatious man kept her imprisoned in the past and now demands she lift the spell she cast on him. Seeing her chance of teaching him a lesson in karma, Athena makes demands of her own. Finn will allow her full power over him for five full days or live with the curse forever. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Values Delta: A Small & Simple Way to Make a Positive Difference in Your Personal & Professional Life

Meaningful change will happen, when you focus on your values. Former NBA player turned successful real estate investor, Devin Durrant has spent years teaching people how to emphasize their values to make a positive difference in their personal and professional lives! This self-improvement action guide helps you prioritize your values and connect them to the most treasured people and parts of your life. You will learn ideas to enhance yourself, your organization, and your community. $0.99 on Kin... [Read More...]

Free: Breaking Locks: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel

She’s recently widowed and on the wrong side of fifty. Seeing dead people wasn’t her idea of a midlife reinvention. Connie Keyes feels lost. After her heart surgeon husband collapsed and died, the fifty-two-year-old mother is desperately trying to find a new purpose. But reuniting with the ghost of her dearly departed opens up a completely unexpected career opportunity… Breaking Locks is the fast-paced first book in the Extra-Ordinary Midlife paranormal women’s fiction series. If you li... [Read More...]

The Blue Executions

A serial killer is roaming the streets of New York City…the madman’s target—New York City police officers. An incident in a Queens housing project hurls highly decorated detective Tommy Galvin not only onto the front pages of the newspapers but also into the crosshairs of the sociopath. The hunter becomes the hunted! Galvin’s actions on a warm spring evening ignite a powder keg of racial tension and civil unrest, capturing national attention which must be dealt with and brought under co... [Read More...]

How To Leave

Still Whole In my family, showing one’s emotions was considered to be a flaw. Flagrantly raw, I was willing to bear their pompous, parental scorn so as to remain true to that which drove me, relentless, inherent, untorn. – Neela Arnaud FROM THE AUTHOR: This book of poems bears witness to my journey of learning to leave toxic people and situations as I progressed in my recovery and healing from toxic family abuse, narcissistic partner abuse. It is also a book that reflects my growing abi... [Read More...]

FROM THE PAINTED TOMB: Something Ancient is on its Way

In his desire to protect a copper-haired slave who becomes queen, Ancient Egypt’s Prince Rahmor undergoes a dangerous magical ritual to become immortal. His love and admiration for this woman not only changes his life, but the consequences of that love carry through the ages to a contemporary copper-haired American woman. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]