The Wild One

Jasper Westbrook. Code name: Swoon Machine.My best friend’s older brother. Certified melter of ovaries. Professional destroyer of panties. And now…sudden single dad. Guys like Jasper—I bet you know the type? The chiseled arms. The wavy hair. The melt-your-brain-cells smile. Good thing I’m a smart girl—Honey Hill’s former child prodigy, to be precise—I should know better than to fall for this playboy’s charm. Here’s the problem, though. The man is an exp... [Read More...]

Free: Kettlebell Catalyst: The exercise guide for women to build strength, lean muscle, and self confidence to overcome limiting beliefs

Are you struggling with trusting yourself? Do you feel limited—both mentally and physically? “I wrote this book for you because once upon a time I felt limited, but not anymore. Kettlebells were the catalyst for me to realize I am limitless, and so are you!” Kettlebell Catalyst, by kettlebell specialist and entrepreneur Colleen Conlon, is a study in how physical exercise can lead to mental resilience. While the book discusses Kettlebell training, she mainly focuses her writing on Hardstyl... [Read More...]

Bite Me Again

Born with an empathetic healing ability, Shaye’s life has been filled with the rejection of people who didn’t understand her gift. With only a few close friends, she lives a nomadic lifestyle as a traveling nurse. Shaye knew she was different since she was a child, but never really understood it. When her latest assignment brings her to a small town in Tennessee, she never expected it to change her life. Spending a day exploring, her powers draw her to the large house on the outskirts of to... [Read More...]

Far Beyond Destiny

The biggest lies are often the most seductive…and the deadliest. Humanity’s future inside the cube promises peace and eternal serenity. But will heaven on earth resemble paradise or purgatory? When Sam Yalta Booth – a black magician disguised as America’s most wealthy charismatic media mogul – offers humanity a technological simulation of utopia, the entire world, except for three heroic young avengers aided by Booth’s mysterious nemesis, will be utterly dece... [Read More...]

The Husband Lottery: A Marriage of Convenience, Age Gap, Surprise Pregnancy Romance

A fake marriage to my ex boyfriend’s older brother wasn’t what I had in mind all those years when I planned my wedding as a little girl. And yet, here I am… holding Logan’s hand and saying my vows. How did I get here? Two words – Lottery ticket. A literal lottery ticket, which let me buy the biggest stake in Logan’s father’s company. But Logan, himself, was way more alluring than Barlow Technologies. We had it all planned in our heads. Get married, secure his position, fulfill my... [Read More...]

Free: Mate Exposed – Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance

Victoria loves her job as a teacher. When the world becomes apocalyptic, it’s not surprising she ends up stranded and protecting children. A monstrous alien warrior saves her life and takes her back to his spaceship—kidnapping her! The dominant alpha male is convinced she’s his fated mate… will testing his theory enlist his help to save them all? Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]