Free: Leading From Within: Leading With A Purpose

In this book, we will discuss the 4 Pillars of Self Awareness (4PSA’s) and how accountability affects leadership. We must be able to look within ourselves and assess our abilities to become an effective leader. Effective leaders provide a long-lasting impact on others and promote positive change. The 4 Pillars of Self Awareness will guide you to a sound leadership foundation that you can continue to build and assist you in establishing SVC (Self Core Values). Without these SVC’s you will be... [Read More...]

Reconstructed – A Survivor’s Memoir

Have you ever seen your life flash before your eyes? Follow one man’s journey of positivity and resilience as he reconstructs his life after a near-fatal accident! Atta Ahmad was determined to make his dreams come true. So unwavering, in fact, that he was willing to forgo sleep just to reach his goals. Eventually, it caught up to him on September 5, 2015. That fateful day, an exhilarating road trip from Boston to Michigan turned into a fight for his life when his exhaustion drove him to fall ... [Read More...]

Judgment – The Innocent Suffering 2nd edition

This book, in its simple, concise, and apt characterization, would take you on a fantastic journey of in-depth understanding of our immutable realities as humans who simply sojourn the earth. The stories are impactful and the messages are edifying. Do you think Judgment is real? John Williams is about to find out. He abruptly emerges in a solitary room to reflect on his life and the poor decisions that led him to reject Christ. The solitary room meshes with John’s soul, presenting endless... [Read More...]

Burl: Journalism Giant and Medical Trailblazer

The riveting biography of Burl Osborne, former chairman of The Associated Press and publisher of The Dallas Morning News, who waged and won one of the last great newspaper wars in the U.S. Burl is the story of one man’s unlikely rise from the coal mines of Appalachia to the pinnacle of journalism. After being diagnosed with a fatal kidney disease as a child, Burl Osborne pioneered home dialysis treatment and became the 130th person to undergo a live kidney transplant in 1966—then an unprove... [Read More...]

Arbitrary and Capricious

Retired attorney, Sanders Pierce would rather spend his time painting in his art gallery, but when a former colleague, now general counsel of a major information technology asks him to investigate an improper disclosure of client information, he cannot resist. He insists he will abide by the standard of law, which could expose the firm to criminal liability. He gets assigned to a small office located in the bowels of the corporation and he begins interviewing various employees and studies flow ... [Read More...]


A woman is killed near the beach. There is little evidence. But the crime bears the hallmarks of several similar murders some time ago. The trouble is that the man supposedly responsible was sent to the gallows… Set in the aftermath of the First World War, THE RIDDLE OF THE DUNES is an intriguing murder mystery that will keep you guessing. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

A Beginners Guide To Organizing Your Life: Relax and Unwind with an Organized House, Life, and Mind

Is your life too much to handle on a daily basis? A sane and organized life is about a lot more than just organizing your home. It’s about making better use of each moment from when you wake up to when you go to bed. It’s about knowing what you need to do next and having the discipline to follow through effortlessly. When you organize your life, the rewards go beyond clean shelves and easy-to-spot files. A well-organized life is logical and productive and gives us more time to do wh... [Read More...]