Her Holy Highness: Divine Destiny: The Miraculous Reign of Marealzy

In Leonard Patat’s fascinating book, “Her Holy Highness: Divine Destiny: The Miraculous Reign of Marealzy,” readers are seamlessly transported into a rich and magnificent realm, embarking on an unforgettable journey that teeters between the natural and supernatural, faith and magic, and the realms of the seen and unseen. Taking center stage in a brilliantly crafted universe is the radiant Marealzy, a humble maiden chosen by destiny to ascend to the status of Her Holy Highness.... [Read More...]

Free: Flight of the Vessel

Angelterra, exiled princess of Palzintine, hears destiny’s call in whispered dreams. As she flees a fallen kingdom, her quest for vengeance becomes a crusade to save her world. Magic and spirituality intertwine, while an unexpected love challenges everything she knows. “Flight of the Vessel” invites you on an extraordinary journey where faith, sorcery, and the human spirit collide. Dare to dream, dare to fight, dare to love in this spellbinding saga. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Nikki’s Big Weekend

Sexy fun! Nikki decides to add adult videos of herself to her online business, and who better to help her with that than Mel and Mike? But when a Saturday video shoot at Nikki’s house gets interrupted by two cops, things do not look too promising. Will this be the end of Nikki’s online internet show, Nikki Does Toys? And what about the participants in the video shoot? Will they all end up in jail? Find out in this funny and raunchy sixth book in the ongoing series. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Snatched (A Ghost Story): Lights Out Series – Book 2

Wendy reluctantly moves to the country so that her husband can write full time. She’s willing to give it a try since they wont have to put their baby in daycare. But when things begin to go bump in the night, Wendy doesn’t want to stay in their renovated farmhouse. Something doesn’t feel right, and she has an awful feeling that someone is trying to steal their baby. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Power of Living in the Present Tense: A Workbook: The Journey of Letting Go

If you are ready to release bad memories and heal old wounds, look no further. Introducing The Power of Living in the Present Tense: A Workbooka powerful guide that takes a look at mindful living in a brand new light to help you build resilience and reduce overthinking. Uncover the secrets of living in the present tense, and let go of everything that holds you back from confidently stepping forward into the wonderful future that lies ahead. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]


A dark, gritty post-apocalyptic tale of love, loathing, & survival! Alex, her sisters, Cat and Tori, and her 7 nieces and nephews are headed up to her camp in the Adirondack Mountains for the Columbus Day weekend when the unthinkable happens. A voice on the radio warns of an imminent attack, telling them to seek immediate shelter. Greeted by guns and bullets when they try to find refuge at nearby homes, they ford the upper Hudson River, hiding in a cave to wait out the worst of the fallout.... [Read More...]

The Cat Who Chased Ghosts

In a quaint little town, a scruffy orange tabby named Whiskers holds a centuries-old secret: he descends from an ancient lineage of mythical felines known as Guardian Cats, sworn to protect humans from ghosts and evil spirits. When Catherine and Robert Thompson inherit a creaky old house from Robert’s great-aunt, they unwittingly become Whiskers’ new keepers along with Timmy, a spirited boy with a thirst for adventure. To Timmy’s dismay, his parents view the aging cat as unsui... [Read More...]