That Touch

I didn’t mean to fall in love with my best friend’s wife. We were just kids when it happened. Now, a decade and a half later she and I have bonded over tragedy—she lost the love of her life and I lost my best friend. I always knew Dolly was gonna break my heart—but the truth is, she never even got the chance. The second she saw my best friend Dean, I was history. The three of us were inseparable, always on some adventure together while I suffered in silence and loved her in secret. I tr... [Read More...]


On hearing the news her adopted father has suffered a second heart attack, Shani Balcescu dashes from St Aquinas College in Oxford to be at his bedside in Prague. Her father asks her forgiveness, but Shani takes his words to be little more than the ramblings of a dying man – until the following day, when she discovers the name Tuma Dangbo, a former Séroulése president gunned down in a devastating coup in the West African state thirty-eight years ago. French journalist, Nicolas Dubois, h... [Read More...]

Brooke and the Wolf: Curses of Midnight Springs

When a lost wolf shifter meets a beautiful thief, their lives will change forever… Brooke has been forced to grow up and take care of her ten year old sister all at once during her senior year of high school. With her drug addict mother mostly out of the picture, keeping a roof over her and her sister is more than a challenge. Without any money or food, she resorts to stealing at the farmers’ market. Peter first started turning into a wolf at age eight. When he gets too emotional, the w... [Read More...]

Alien Genesis

For fifty thousand years humanity has been clawing its way out of a dystopian hole dug by a race of extraterrestrials. The “war in heaven” is not some mythological metaphor. It was quite real. Pointing at the newspaper on a nearby coffee table Admiral Cortell explained, “In case you hadn’t noticed, the good guys didn’t win. Only the names of the rogues in charge have ever changed. The human experience hasn’t arrived at some terminus, all tied up with a pretty pink bow.” $0.99 on K... [Read More...]

Opie & Cleigh: A Lifetime of Love, War, School, and Murder in 92 Hours

For fans of intense psychological thrillers and murder mysteries that seem too real to be fiction. Featuring plenty of suspense, a dash of romance, and a former military male lead, this story of courage and bravery in the midst of danger and unnecessary tragedy will have you cheering on the heroic actions of ordinary people living a nightmare that happens all too often in America today. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

At Rope’s End

Sonny Dankovic loves his job as a superintendent of an apartment building. He likes the tenants, and they trust him to be there for them—no matter what. Then why does he want to commit suicide? Sonny has this secret which leads him to believe he’d be better off dead. So he makes detailed plans on how to accomplish his objective. But just as soon as he starts his latest attempt, one of the tenants has an emergency, and Sonny comes to their rescue. In the nick of time, the trigger isn’t pul... [Read More...]

Why We Should Sleep Smarter

Why Not Do What Almost Every Incredibly Successful Person Does? Every one of us requires sleep, and not too little of it. So, since we spend nearly 26 years of our life sleeping, wouldn’t it be great to learn what makes for truly exceptional sleep, so that we may not only enjoy but also maximize our day? When exceptionally successful athletes or entrepreneurs are asked what is essential, the answer is almost always the same: “Sleep is priority #1 and non-negotiable.” With this... [Read More...]

Traveler – Viator Awakens: Chosen Defender Series Book One

With Lucifer’s General after her, what’s a girl to do? Introvert and talented athlete Sophie just wants to get through high school without drawing attention to herself. Teased for being a foster kid after her parents disappeared, she wants life to go back to normal. When an angel visits her and tells her she’s not human but a Viator–a warrior with incredible angel-like powers–any chance of normal flies out the window. It seems her powers have matured, she just needs to learn how to us... [Read More...]