Free: Stories

Four remarkably unsuccessful stories by one remarkably unsuccessful author. Yet each has its moments. All I Longed for Long Ago Was You – A story of love that echoes through time. The romance in this book is gorgeous and the emotions expressed by the characters are very strong, especially the love and longing for each other.-Shaz-Goodreads AMANDA – A story of forgiveness and second chances. The plot tugs at the heart without guile, grown from a simple, touching seed-crystal: the author�... [Read More...]

A Conjuring of Ravens

In a world where magic is a science, Siobhan is a genius. But even geniuses need schooling. Siobhan has just been banned from the country’s only magical university. As the unwitting accomplice to the theft of a priceless magical artifact, she has suddenly become a wanted criminal. There are fates worse than death, and if caught, she will face them. Unwilling to give up on her dream of becoming the world’s most powerful sorcerer, she resolves to do whatever it takes to change her fat... [Read More...]

Ruthless Billionaire’s Secret Baby

In my pursuit of a cook, I found a woman who ignited my desires. But she’s stubborn and entangled with my rival. But I refuse to let the past or another man stand in the way of claiming what is rightfully mine – her heart. I’ll risk everything to possess her heart, body, and soul. Love, rivalry, and intense passion collide in a battle where there’s no turning back. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: One Day Like This (Excess All Areas Book 1)

“A heart wrenching forbidden romance. A rockstar you can’t help but love. A strong heroine to admire. And a love meant to be. Scarlett Cole takes you apart and puts you back together again.” ~ Carly Phillips, NY Times Bestselling Author When a fake date and good deed lead to one bed and one night of ruthless honesty, everything is laid bare between bassist, Matt, and his best friend and drummer’s little sister, Izabel. They belong together, but acting on it will cost them everything... [Read More...]

Free: Embers of Eternity

The spirits of the Shadow Forest are waking up. Hidden in the centuries-old legends of the forest is the history forgotten by the country of Tenebris. But for seventeen-year-old Nyla, the 600-year-old history has become her present. Struggling to break the curse binding her to the Woodlane Manor, she and her companions must race against time to find and defeat Dinora, the evil sorceress of legend, before she can destroy their homeland. With the help of Xander and Shamira, Nyla searches for a wa... [Read More...]

Free: The Sweet Tooth Dilemma: Sugar is seductive, dangerous and hard to quit. Here’s how to walk away.

Are you addicted to sugar, and maybe don’t even know it? You may know that eating too much sugar can lead to weight gain. Did you know that it also causes inflammation and can lead to heart disease, which is the #1 killer in the United States? Too much sugar consumption contributes to many other health issues, including diabetes, depression, dementia, certain mental health disorders, and cancers… to name just a few. If you ever tried to quit or cut back on eating sugar, you know that it’s... [Read More...]

Free: The Legacy of Absence

Despite all the progress in our world-from advancing human rights to life-saving technology, there is a wound that has spread to every corner of society. It affects individuals, families, businesses, and communities. In fact, evidence shows almost every problem in our society can be traced back to this root cause: FATHERS WHO ARE UNINVOLVED IN THE LIVES OF THEIR CHILDREN The Reality • Whatever the reason for the father’s absence-work, addictions, divorce, or even death-the negative impa... [Read More...]

Free: Eupocalypse Trilogy

This 2016 book was censored in 2020: it has a microorganism that escaped from a Chinese laboratory. Then things get weird. What if all plastic and oil dissolved? And the scientist who knows why is kidnapped? What if a new form of life arose from the ocean after the cataclysmic fall? What if it taught us quantum communication? Book 1 starts with the development of a new bacterium that can clean up oil spills. But the cultures come from a shady overseas source, and the contagion spreads from mach... [Read More...]

Harvest Dance: A Single Dad Small Town Romance

A single dad, who’s in over his head, and an event planner running from her past, are drawn together on charming Bluestar Island by a determined little girl and her escape-artist goat. As the possibility of a future together becomes tangible, ghosts from their pasts threaten this budding romance. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]