Free: Run For Your Life

With the weekend right around the corner, Homicide Detective Mitch Cannon is looking forward to Saturday night. It isn’t often he has a date, and this one will be particularly interesting. His new friend Liza is beautiful, edgy, outspoken, and somewhat odd. But Mitch’s usual Friday-morning phone call to his mom sets the wheels in motion for five days of pure hell. Mitch’s sister, Marie, has gone missing without a trace. His date is canceled, and Mitch’s partner, Devon, a... [Read More...]

The Hybrids

An unlucky gambler, the essence of an alien being, and a brilliant, beautiful, doctoral candidate embark on an adventure unlike any they could imagine. This a story about a gambler who was very lucky for a long time, then very unlucky for just long enough to find himself in serious trouble. This is also the story of a young woman of surpassing beauty and remarkable intelligence, sometimes known as Ringo. Her father, the worlds greatest Beatles fan, is in the declining stages of dementia. This i... [Read More...]

Seed of Fury – Zolia’s Revenge

Set during the founding years of the Roman Empire, Zolias Revenge is the story of two virginal Sabine sisters: Ronica the Revolter and Zolia the Crusader. Told by the older sister, Ronica, it is a gut-wrenching depiction of the Rape of the Sabine Women, their degradation and torture at the hands of King Romulus and the Roman men, and their eventual heroic escape. Marked by historical events that intermingle tragedy, love, romance, and unforgettable fantasy characters, this compelling story pave... [Read More...]

The Art Of Building A Growth Mindset

Ever feel like youre holding yourself back? Its time to silence that voice and unlock the power within you. This book will show you how to build a growth mindset, conquer limiting thoughts, unlock hidden skills, and achieve ambitious goals. Break free from your limitations and embrace a life filled with purpose and joy. Are you ready to start building? $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]


After 7 years, the sequel to sALIENt is out… Mount Shasta: Three hikers ignore warnings and descend into an old sealed-off shaft, never to be seen again SETI Institute / NASA: A signal from deep space – identical to one seven years earlier is detected… A Race to the Summit: Tom and his small team reunite to reach the source of the signal on Mount Shasta, but the U.S. Military has other plans FACT: – UFO / UAP hearings have recently taken place before the U.S. Senate with... [Read More...]

Love From The Ruins Let Me Come In From The Cold

The Viking tricked her to follow him through the open door and into his world. “I have been waiting for you Cailleach. You are mine.” Tess Buchanan never suspects the trip she takes to the north of Scotland will change her life forever. Time travel/ Viking Scottish Romance $3.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

1/6: Will Be Wild

This alternate history novel seamlessly braids together what actually did happen in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, with the terrifying and all too plausible alternative of what might have happened. What if the MAGA mob had captured and hung Vice President Pence? The story’s pace will keep readers turning pages from the breathtaking first paragraph to the startling climax. Readers will long remember both how this book begins and how it ends. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]