BookSliced Frequently Asked Questions

Is BookSliced free?

Yes, BookSliced is free to use!

Do I have to create a BookSliced account?

No, you do not have to create a BookSliced account to use oursite.

Why am I not receiving my newsletter from BookSliced?

The emails that BookSliced sends you are probably going to your spam folder or being blocked by your email provider. Follow the instructions in this article: How to white list your email.


Can I read ebooks without a Kindle?

Yes! You can read Kindle books on a Kindle, smartphone, tablet, or even in your web browser. Learn more about How to Read Kindle Books Without a Kindle. Apple Books can currently only be read on a Mac or iOS device.

Why is BookSliced showing a different price than Amazon?

Sometimes Amazon changes prices on books abruptly. Please double-check the Amazon Kindle book price before making any purchase. The price you pay for a book is the price listed on the Kindle detail page for that book.

Why don’t I get notifications about the authors that I follow?

If you previously followed an author you were receive notifications via email each time a book from that author dropped in price. Apologies but we no longer offer these notifications.

What happened to My Alerts. Where did it go?

We have rebuilt the site and it no longer includes an alert section.

How do I contact BookSliced?

For questions, comments, bug reports, media inquiries, or anything else, head over to our contact page! We’ll try out best to respond within a couple hours.

Why don’t you show Apple books anymore?

Apple books represent less than 5% of the ebooks market in the US. We have decide to focus exclusively on Kindle books.