SAFE From the Pain: Out of the Darkness Into a Life That’s Free, Happy, and Good

Surviving sexual assault, attempted suicide, and an arranged marriage is one thing. Processing all that pain so you can live a full life after is something entirely different. In the shadows of emotional pain, survival can take priority over healing. Lasting reverberations of traumatic experiences can cripple decision-making skills, creep into relationships, and leave scars on the people you love. Peace and empowerment after trauma are possible—when you embrace your pain as part of your story... [Read More...]

Breakthrough Goals! A Complete System For Setting And Achieving Your Goals

Breakthrough Goals! is a complete system for setting and achieving all of your goals. As the hero of your own story your life is meant to be a page-turner. It can be. It should be. Living a goal-oriented life is how to make that happen. And Breakthrough Goals! will show you how. $4.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: The Complete Guide to Recover From Emotional Abuse, Identify Narcissists, and Overcome Abusive Relationships

This guide offers a deep dive into the forces that drive narcissistic abuse and how to recover from it. Learn about different types of narcissists, their personalities, and how they behave so you can spot them. Discover the 7 do’s and don’ts when facing conflict with a narcissist and how to stop the argument. Find out what manipulation tactics narcissists and other toxic people practice to keep you close and how to break free and much, much more! $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Your Daily Dose of Stoic Wisdom: 30 Quotes to Inspire and Guide the Modern-Day Stoic

The problem isn’t that we are unhappy. It’s that we expect to be happy all of the time… Your Daily Dose of Stoic Wisdom is a 30-day guide to practicing the foundational tenets of Stoicism. Without being a primer on Stoic philosophy, the book is here to help you integrate its basic principles into your everyday experiences. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]