Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, Codependency and Complex PTSD (4 Books in 1): Workbook and Guide to Overcome Trauma, Toxic Relationships, … and Recover from Unhealthy Relationships)

Recovering from a toxic relationship and not knowing what kind of emotional or mental abuse you’ve suffered from can be a set back in your healing process. This book is a 4 in 1 book that will help you discover everything that you need to know and how you can recover from  Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, Codependency and Complex PTSD. It is not impossible to break-free from your trauma; you can start it by reading one page at a time. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Taming Fear in the Age of Covid

Anxiety levels have surged since the arrival of Covid-19. At least one in three of us suffer some form of anxiety disorder. We are too easily scared and worried. But all hope is not lost. Here is a new and innovative approach to overcoming anxiety and day-to-day fears and stresses. Ultimately, our brain only needs two things for fears to be resolved, a plan or acceptance. We all have the power to create and live calmer, more fulfilling, lives. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Narcissistic Abuse and Codependency Recovery: Recover from Narcissistic and Codependent Relationships, Set Strong Boundaries, Improve Self-Esteem, and … and Recover from Unhealthy Relationships)

Codependent and narcissistic people behave differently, but they often have the same needs. In this book, you will find the answers to all your questions about healthy recovery from these relationships and their associated trauma. You will learn how to set boundaries, improve your self-esteem, and discover how you can end the toxic cycle forever. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Gambling Addiction Monster

Gambling Addiction Monster is a self-help book for compulsive gamblers to finally overcome their gambling addiction. Readers will discover innovative solutions, concepts, and practical steps to regain control of their lives. Although primarily for women, this book will help anyone struggling to overcome their gambling addiction. $0.99 on Kindle ... [Read More...]

How To Be More Assertive

Author Melanie Spencer will share with you the secrets to becoming more assertive in all aspects of life. She’ll show you how to overcome your tendency to stand back and quietly accept everything. She’ll teach you how to be an active participant in your own life by being bold enough to speak up instead of sitting back and letting life happen to you. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

You Are Deathless: A Near-Death Experience Taught Me How to Fully Live and Not Fear Death

A good death begins today, and with it, a great life. Through Nicole’s near-death experience, you can learn how to live your life to the fullest. You can engage in your own metamorphosis without having to die like Nicole did. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

I Don’t Know Why I Act Like This: How to Uncover the Relationship Between Your Mental Health and Your Emotions

Have you ever thought that you might be experiencing the world a little differently than everyone else? For those of us living with various types of mental illness, the moods and emotions we have may not align with how other people around us act. We might fly into a rage when seemingly unprovoked or cry at the drop of the hat. It may feel strange, but what’s happening could actually be completely normal, depending on your mental illness and your experiences with trauma and triggers. Have you ... [Read More...]

Free: Kettlebell Catalyst: The exercise guide for women to build strength, lean muscle, and self confidence to overcome limiting beliefs

Are you struggling with trusting yourself? Do you feel limited—both mentally and physically? “I wrote this book for you because once upon a time I felt limited, but not anymore. Kettlebells were the catalyst for me to realize I am limitless, and so are you!” Kettlebell Catalyst, by kettlebell specialist and entrepreneur Colleen Conlon, is a study in how physical exercise can lead to mental resilience. While the book discusses Kettlebell training, she mainly focuses her writing on Hardstyl... [Read More...]

Success Is A Feeling

Success is a Feeling is an easy-to-read short book that reveals the mentalities and practices to use on your journey to success. Inside, you will discover gems such as these: the way to transform your ego from an obstacle to a tool how to rekindle the ‘child’ within you how to live in the NOW little-known meditation tactics to manage stress and anxiety a simple but direct breakdown of what the law of attraction really means With Success is a Feeling as your guide, you’ll be armed with eve... [Read More...]

Déjame vivir mi duelo…y sanar de adentro hacia afuera

La intención de Ligia M. Houben al escribir Déjame vivir mi duelo…y sanar de adentro es crear conciencia sobre la necesidad de validar el duelo al perder a un ser amado en vez de ignorarlo como muchas veces nos exige la sociedad. Ella se dirige al doliente de manera personalizada y también le habla al acompañante al recordarle por medio de sugerencias, que acompañar es permitir que el doliente viva su proceso de duelo. $7.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]