The Winding (Time Corrector Series Book 1)

At the age of eight, Vincent loses his closest friend, Akane, to a time turbulence-a random rift in space and time. Thirty-two years later, she comes back in the form of a post-doc to work with Vince. Everything changes after that as Vincent discovers that Emika is split between what she wants and what Akane wants from her. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Coward’s Truth: A Novel of the Heart Eternal #1

Welcome to Ghendis Ghadanisban. City of god-kings. City in turmoil. The god-king is dead! Whispers of murder spread through the city known as the Heart Eternal. His death allows an ancient evil Razazel to return and resume its quest to dominate all life. As if that isn’t enough, warring factions threaten the jewel of the desert. The only way to prevent this is by a group of reluctant heroes to escort a young boy filled with the dying god’s essence to the ancient mountain of Rhorreme... [Read More...]

Chief Radvar

Chief Radvar’s ship and crew go through a space anomaly and find they’ve gone back in time and somewhere so far away in space that they don’t recognize where they are. A scientist suggests they might be near Earth. But that was a legend that didn’t really exist, right? Shay finds that her whole life changes when two alien space ships start orbiting Earth. The aliens on one ship are definitely the enemy but are the others as benevolent as they seem or just self-serving?no... [Read More...]

Cease Fire: A Space Adventure Book 2

Stranded in uncharted space, Karma is finding it harder to keep information from the crew. But what she knows will affect their chances of survival. At least with the crew knowing about the device it means that she can work with them to get it back online and find a way home. That would be the plan, but for a pesky distress call. A distress call they have to answer. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Unending Havoc: Montana Mayhem Book 1

Sometimes, you just want to be wrapped in the safety of your mother’s arms…especially when an EMP turns your life upside down. After losing her husband in a tragic fire, Tamra’s brother-in-law offers shelter and security for her and her daughters—which is essential in this new world that’s rapidly dissolving into chaos. But Tamra soon discovers what she thought was security was nothing more than a lie. Now all Tamra wants is to take her children and go home to her mom and dad.... [Read More...]

Free: Negotiations: Ryan Wilcox: Episode 1 (Earth’s Secret Alliance)

“You want me to negotiate an alliance with aliens? Did I hear that right?” Ryan Wilcox is a top-notch negotiator, who looks too young for his job, but is asked to negotiate an alliance with aliens. The aliens have never dealt with another culture before and are unwilling to accept help from barbaric humans. The fate of two worlds rest in Ryan’s hands. Will he be able to save the planet, or is it the end of life as we know it? Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

New Earth Trilogy: A Post Apocalypse Survival Sci Fi Series

The Earth is destroyed. Fifty people per colony ship are selected to make a new home for mankind on a distant world. After generations live their entire lives during the interstellar journey, they finally arrive at their destination. Nothing is as expected. Their entire existence had been a lie. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]


She can’t tell anyone who named her. It would doom the galaxy. She can’t let anyone know what she is. She would be banished for life. And yet she has so much to offer…and so much to discover still. The only one who understands her and stands beside her, is an outcast herself. And her only friend. She’ll risk everything to let her join the human ranks as an equal. She’ll stand beside her as no one has…together they are posted to Stratton, a mediocre space post... [Read More...]