Free: Leader Most Loved: Inspire Productive, Loyal Teams… and Become a Leader Worth Following

Over the past twenty years, I’ve developed twelve incredibly vital methods to become a Leader Most Loved in any leadership position you hold. You’ll be empowered to create a healthy, positive, trusting and happy business organization in just a matter of months – management will become simpler, business will flow easier, and clients and employees will all be served better, and you might just become a visionary leader who is loved by many. I hope that you gain experience through my journey ... [Read More...]

Free: Think Wealthy: Master the Money Mindset That Creates Millionaires and Billionaires

The best-selling e-book series is now in one volume! If your parents weren’t good with money, it’s never too late to learn to Think Wealthy. Only then can you retire rich and spend it all, create lasting wealth for your family as a first-generation multimillionaire or simply get a good night’s sleep because you are finally in control of your finances. Welcome to timeless wealth creation principles with a modern sense of humor – haven’t you thought poorly long enough? 😉 Free o... [Read More...]

The Leadership Connection: The Link Between Leading and Succeeding

  Make the Connection! Every organization, whether big or small, strives for the same thing – to achieve greater results. In today’s unpredictable business environment, companies face new challenges and the need for strong leaders has never been greater. Leaders who can deliver consistent results are the greatest asset to any business. Unfortunately, most organizations spend little time developing their people to think and act as leaders. Regardless of what industry we work in, as ... [Read More...]

Called to Speak Lead and Impact : 20+ Experts Share Wisdom and Lessons on Life and Business

More people than ever are reevaluating their lives and choosing a new path as to how they want to show up in the world. Why? We have been shaken awake. We have gone through a time of major transition from being on autopilot to redefining every area of our lives. The societal norms are broken open for us to establish deeper meaning and a higher purpose. This manifesto of insights includes over 250 + years, combined of conscious leadership, masterful work, and business acumen from a powerful grou... [Read More...]

Free: Pay The Price: Creating Ethical Entrepreneurial Success Through Passion, Pain and Purpose

  The truth is that despite all our best efforts, most new businesses still fail. Starting a business is tough. It’s even tougher building one with strong ethical foundations. Up to 90 percent of UK and US startups fail by the 10th year. This trend is even worse in developing countries such as in Africa, which incidentally is the most entrepreneurial continent in the world. Strong foundations are impossible without going through the mill. The process. Highs and lows, shame and pain. ... [Read More...]

Free: Fulfilled: The Passion & Provision Strategy for Building a Business with Profit, Purpose & Legacy

Running a business can be discouraging, overwhelming, and lonely. Everything looks good from the outside, but on the inside, you’re struggling to take your business to the next level while still living your best life. What you need is a holistic strategy for running a stable company that makes money and allows you to sleep well at night. This might seem like a fairy tale, but it’s not. After years of research and honing their strategies, Kathryn and Michael K. Redman have developed a framew... [Read More...]

Free: Is Your Why Bigger Than Your But?: Simple Principles That Lead to Success in Sales and Life

“Is Your Why Bigger Than Your But?” by Buddy Swisshelm is currently available on Amazon. The book has received wonderful reviews and is regarded as informative and motivating by those who have read it. You can get your book right now if you’re ready to take the next step in your sales career. After over 40 years in sales and sales management, Buddy Swisshelm has developed a step-by-step program designed for anyone to become a master salesperson. With no sales experience and no... [Read More...]

On Your Mark, Get Set, INVEST: A Kid’s Guide to Saving Money, Spending Wisely, and Investing in the Stock Market

Slow and steady wins the race? An intro to personal finance and investing for kids ages 8 to 12. Feet thumping and arms swinging, Thrifty Tortoise and Ritzy Rabbit set off on a race to the finish line. At the end awaits a brand-new bike! Follow this competition to see who can earn, save, and invest their way to the ultimate prize. Lots of money decisions will be made along the way—some good and some bad—but you’ll get to learn from them all! $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Playbook to Starting A Small Business

Do you want to break free from the 9-5 grind and find a way to live life and be the boss? Wish you could discover a step-by-step guide that allowed you to take action without having to wait? Starting your own business is something we all dream of, but how many of us actually take the leap and finally start putting one foot in front of the other? There’s so much uncertainty, always a degree of risk and often a fear of the unknown; but why should you let this stop you? What you need is to unear... [Read More...]

Passive Income Ideas: 102 Ideas to Massively Build Wealth

A job is just what schools taught us to get. You’ve probably realized by now that the rich and poor have the same number of hours in a day. So how do the rich make money? In this book, you will learn 102 ways people are ‘passively’ making money. Some make millions with just one of these ways, others combine a few ways to make a living. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]