This is my first completed novel and it’s a doorstop with literary pretentions. I’ve had two short story collections with ADP/Amazon: “The Pace-Lap Blues,” and “We Won’t Be Kissing.” Here a brief synopsis as it appears on the back flapWalter Bocewicz is beginning a new life at the age of 57. The old one was an epic fail–two divorces, two stints in jail, four tours in rehab, alienated children. His college degree was wasted on a career of countless, short term menial jobs. Now, clean and sober (mostly), he has come into a chunk of inheritance–retirement money. What could go wrong in the fresh environment of Florida’s Nature Coast? The temptations of social life in a seedy trailer park community? The predations of the Great Recession? A girlfriend’s biker son? Increasingly volatile weather? How about all of the above?
Evacuation Route