Self Same is an Urban Fantasy that follows the lives of identical twins Terry and Shannon Giordano. Born to a Haitian mother and Italian father, they taste both worlds of family love and hate. Given the powers of an African God, they now have the responsibility of protecting their world from the demon realm, while still living their regular everyday lives. With guidance from their elder, Uncle Jude, the twins will either accept their new powers and face their enemies head on or break under the pressure.
Self Same
Self Same is an Urban Fantasy that follows the lives of identical twins Terry and Shannon Giordano. Born to a Haitian mother and Italian father, they taste both worlds of family love and hate. Given the powers of an African God, they now have the responsibility of protecting their world from the demon realm, while still living their regular everyday lives. With guidance from their elder, Uncle Jude, the twins will either accept their new powers and face their enemies head on or break under the pressure. $6.99 on Kindle
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